Fidelity Social Audit

On February 3rd and 4th, Komal Rathod from Sattva visited the Chennai office and 2 schools for audit. On 3rd February, she was given a presentation detailing the Digital Equalizer Program and information of the program with respect to Fidelity. After answering her questions about the program and the structure, we went on for school visits.

We visited Chennai Higher Secondary School, Koyembedu. There, the principal, teachers and the students interacted with Komal and answered her questions about the program and shared their feedback. Following this, we visited Chennai Higher Secondary School, Taramani and Komal had discussions and collected feedback from the teachers, students and principal.  

On 4th February 2017, Komal visited the Chennai office and interacted with the Fidelity team members. She discussed with them about their work, the impact, challenges and other aspects. Finally, complete financial details (statements, bills etc.) were presented to her and the financials were explained.
